Florence to Panzano in Chianti timetable

Home Forum Bus & Autobus [English] Florence to Panzano in Chianti timetable


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    • #3136

      Hi there,
      I’d like to have a bus timetable of Florence to Panzano in Chianti, also from Chianti to Siena if it is availabl.

      Also,on 15 Aug,is the buses running as usual? Thank you!

    • #3138

      Hi yuleyang.

      To reach Panzano from Florence you need line 365.
      Here the timetables currently available: 365
      The bus stop is near Santa Maria Novella train station.

      You can’t reach Siena from Panzano by bus. You can go from Florence to Siena

      131O-A Siena – Firenze. Since 15/09/2014
      131O-R Firenze – Siena. Since 15/09/2014
      131R-A Siena – Firenze. Express. Since 15/09/2014
      131R-R Firenze – Siena. Express. Since 15/09/2014

      They are the timetables currently available.
      Timetables may change before August.

      Usually, 15 Aug is special holiday and buses are few. You can ask again in July.

      La redazione declina ogni responsabilità riguardo eventuali ritardi.
      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays.

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