May 1st sita bus Salerno to Positano

Home Forum Bus & Autobus [English] May 1st sita bus Salerno to Positano

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    • #1959

      I am visiting Salerno on May 1st. and I check in Positano that night.
      Can u tell me how to get to Positano from Salerno.
      And what is the sita bus timetable that day.
      I will be going to Positano around 5 o’clock


    • #1964

      Hi, Sue.
      To reach Positano from Salerno you have to change bus in Amalfi.
      5120 Salerno-Amalfi:


      5070 Amalfi-Positano:

      5070: Amalfi-Positano-Sorrento, dal 07/04/2014 al 08/06/2014

      The latest information while i’m writing: on 1th of May these buses will have a “sunday and holidays” timetable.

      Have a nice journey.

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      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays.

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