Below is a complete list of all the ways from Florence to Pisa and viceversa.
1) BUS
Some Sena (Baltour Group) buses pass through Florence (near Florence SMN, Sita bus station in via Santa Caterina da Siena) and Pisa (stop in Via Pietrasantina, Sena stop).
Note: some lines are pending approval and some buses also pass through the train station and the airport of Pisa.
- Tuscany – Abruzzo
- Tuscany – Campania
- Tuscany – Marche
- Tuscany – Puglia
- Tuscany – Sicily
- Tuscany – Umbria
Download here pdf timetables: Orari Nazionali Sena Toscana 2015
By Airport
Another solution may be to go to the airport of Pis, where there are more buses to Florence:
- from Pisa take Red LAM to the airport or the Pisa Mover bus
- from Pisa Aiport to Florence
Here information about the bus to/from Pisa airport: Pisa Airport connections.
Pisa Mover
Il nuovo treno, completamente automatico e veloce, sarà il collegamento diretto tra la stazione ferroviaria di Pisa Centrale e Pisa aeroporto San Giusto. Awaiting (opening planned for June 2016) are in use replacement bus Bus PisaMover.
From Pisa Central Station you can reach all destinations of the Italian rail network including the Firenze SMN station.
3) CAR
Florence is only 80 km from Pisa. You can choose the Firenze-Pisa-Livorno or the A11 Pisa-Florence both directly connected with the Airport (Pisa Airport Connections)
Versione italiana -> Firenze – Pisa: 3 opzioni di viaggio