Firenze to SG to Siena to Firenze

Home Forum Bus & Autobus [English] Firenze to SG to Siena to Firenze

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    • #2036

      Hi I will travel from Firenze to SG and then to Siena and back to Firenze in a same day. I am confusing in station names.

      1) In Firenze, should i get in the bus stop “Firenze Autostazione”?
      2) To SG, should change bus at “Poggibonsi FS” and get off at “S.Gimignano P.S.Giovanni” or “S.Gimignano Strada”?
      3) To Siena city center, should i get off at “Siena Fontebecci” or “Siena V.Tozzi” or “Siena FS” or “Siena Policlinico”?
      4) Back to Firenze, i should get on at “Siena V.Tozzi” or” Siena P.Diavoli” or “Siena Fontebecci”?

      5) Also, do i need to purchase ticket online beforehand? Or i just need to purchase the ticket at the station? Will there be risk off all ticket sold-out?

    • #2039

      Hi, kk123kk.

      1) Yes, the first bus stop is “Firenze Autostazione”;
      2) To SG you have to change bus in “Poggibonsi FS” and get off at “S.Gimignano P.S.Giovanni” or “S.Gimignano Strada”. You can choose according to buses to Siena. “S.Gimignano P.S.Giovanni” should be in the center of San Gimignano;
      3) I suggest you “Siena FS”. Second choice “Siena v.Tozzi”;
      4) I suggest you “Siena v.Tozzi”.
      5) You can buy tickets at the station, at bars, tobacconists and newsagents during your travel. No risk of sold-out.

      This is the timetables you need:
      131O: from “Firenze Autostazione” to “Poggibonsi FS” ->


      133: from “Poggibonsi FS” to San Gimignano (Strada or P.S.Giovanni) ->
      previous file

      130: from San Gimignano (Strada or P.S.Giovanni) to Siena (v.Tozzi or FS) ->


      131O or 131: from “Siena v.Tozzi” to Firenze Autostazione ->

      Siena – Firenze

      Have a nice travel

      La redazione declina ogni responsabilità riguardo eventuali ritardi.
      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays.

    • #2104

      But if i want to trvael the EXACT bus as follows and not other time:

      1) Firenze->Poggibonsi at 9:40am->10:30 and Poggibonsi->San Gimignano at 11:00->11:220

      2) San Gimignano->Siena at 14:40->15:55

      3) Siena->Firenze at 20:15->21:30

      Is there any risk of sold-out if i purchase at that day at the station?

      If i want to buy beforehand, is it the right website (

      thanks so much

    • #2108

      Tickets are kilometric without reservation.
      Tickets are available at the train station, newsagents, tobacconists and bar.
      If you want to buy beforehand, that is the right website.

      You’re welcome.

      La redazione declina ogni responsabilità riguardo eventuali ritardi.
      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays.

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