transport from san giovanni rotondo to lanciano

Home Forum Bus & Autobus [English] transport from san giovanni rotondo to lanciano

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    • #3415
      Leslie Sim

      Hi may i know how can i get from san giovanni rotondo to lanciano back on the same day by bus?

    • #3425

      Hi, Leslie Sim.

      By bus you can split the route:

      1) San Giovanni Rotondo-Foggia FS: Sita 732 Foggia – San Giovanni Rotondo
      You can buy tickets in bars, tobacconists, newsagents.

      2) From Foggia (P.le Vittorio Veneto, 2) to Lanciano there is a bus Baltour-Sena-Eurolines: Abruzzo – Puglia
      It provides booking and buying online or through an authorized reseller.

      Have a nice journey.

      La redazione declina ogni responsabilità riguardo eventuali ritardi o problemi.
      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays or problems.

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