When does the tobacco store in Salerno close?

Home Forum Bus & Autobus [English] When does the tobacco store in Salerno close?

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    • #707

      Help! I need a quick answer. Im going from Salerno – Atrani this monday (1.juli) at , the departure at 21:30.

      My friends told me that the tobacco store is closed at that time, and that I therefore can’t buy tickets for the bus. I’ve searched the internet for hours and can’t find a place where I can buy the tickets online, for the SITA sud bus (salerno-atrani). PLease help me. If you don’t know a website that can help me (in english!) please tell me if it’s true that the tobacco store is closed at 21:30?

      Best regards DK

    • #708

      Hi! You can travel with Unico Campania Ticket and you can buy this anywhere at any time.
      Give a look to this two pages about travel cards in Englis:



      Enjoy your trip!

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