Naples Minori bus timetable

Naples Minori bus timetable 12 comments

Naples Minori bus timetable


Sita sud srl serves the connection Naples Minori by direct line 5020 Amalfi Naples.

5020: Amalfi Naples

The line passes through the following cities:

  • Amalfi
  • Atrani
  • Minori
  • Maiori
  • Cetara
  • Vietri sul Mare
  • Cava de’ Tirreni (FS)
  • Nocera Sup. (S.Clemente)
  • Nocera Inf. (Croce Sud)
  • Naples (via Depretis)

For more information and download timetable refer to the Amalfi Naples tab.


Alternative ways Naples Minori

With a stopover in other cities, from Naples it’s possible to reach Minori by alternative ways.



Minori is a town and comune in the province of Salerno in the Campania region of south-western Italy, situated on the Amalfi Coast. The origins of the name Minori come from its association in the past with the river that crosses it, La Rheggina, its ancient Latin name was Rheggina Minor. This name coincides with the name of the neighboring village Maiori, then known as Rheggina Maior. In time, it has come to be known simply as Minori.
Main sights are: Basilica di Santa Trofimena where are the remains of martyr Saint Trofimena, Roman Maritime Archeological Villa, Saint Nicola Convent. Among the various events that take place in Minors, remember the “Gusta Minori” interesting food and wine event that takes place every year in early September combined with the prize for literature food and wine. Fractions of Minor are: Montecita, Torre Paradiso, Via Monte, Via Pioppi, Via Torre, Villa Amena.

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12 thoughts on “Naples Minori bus timetable

    • Monica Post author

      You have to take the same bus from/to Minori (those cities are nearby):
      5020 Napoli Amalfi

      Have a nice journey.
      La redazione declina ogni responsabilità riguardo eventuali ritardi.
      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays.

    • Marias

      Hi John!

      In Naples the bus 5020 leaves from Varco Immacolatella, from the bus terminus that is close to the Molo Immacolatella, between Via Nuova Marina and Via Cristoforo Colombo.

      Have a nice trip!

  • Cipri Blaga

    Hi Monica, if we arive in Napoli at 12 am on Sunday. at what our do we have to be at Napoli (Varco Immacolatella) to get to Minori?



  • Jenan Isaac

    I wish to travel from Napoli Centrale to Edenholiday Casa Vacanze in Minori.
    I would like to catch the SITA bus but wish to learn please where from the station can I catch the bus from and where can I buy the ticket from?
    Also is there room on/under the bus for bags?

    • Monica Post author

      Hi, Jenan.
      There is a bus stop in Via Galileo Ferraris, near the train station.
      You can buy ticket at ticketing offices, bars, tobacconists, newsagents.

      About bags:
      From Sita transport conditions -> “The traveler is entitled to free transport unguarded of the baggage not exceeding the measures cm. 50x30x25. The traveler can keep the baggage with him where it can be placed without cluttering or disturb other travelers. In all other cases, it is required to purchase a ticket for each bag. The baggage exceeding these limits will be placed in the trunk by the traveler. The Company disclaims any responsibility for any theft, tampering, loss or deterioration of luggage. The luggage is not insured and travels at the risk of the passenger. The Company is not liable for the luggage left on their buses.”

      You have to purchase a ticket for each bag that exceeds the size allowed.

      Have a nice journey.
      La redazione declina ogni responsabilità riguardo eventuali ritardi.
      The editorial staff is not responsible for any delays.

  • Evelin van Hien

    Is there a way to go from the airport in Naples with a bus to Minori or is it necessary to get a train first to another place?
    Where can tickets for the bus be bought?

  • Michelle Astbury

    Hello! Can you please tell me if I take the bus from Naples to Sorrento then to Minori, do I use the same ticket? It seems to be different busses. I was hoping to stop in Sorrento for a few hours then continue to hotel in Minori. What is the price of the tickets or is it best to buy your COSTIERASITA 24 hours: EUR 10 card. Thanks in advance.